Living in Kibera

Over 50% of the population living in Kibera is unemployed. 66% of women and girls trade sex for money as little as 1USD to cater for basic needs.

It’s common for the youth to drop out of school because they lack school fees forcing them to look for informal jobs or turn to crime.

Many families rely on feeding programs to get at least one meal a day as a result children are famished and malnourished.


Kibera hamlets programs and current projects aim at addressing these issues in Kibera. We have these main programs:

  • Sustainable livelihood program. (INUA PATO)
  • Education program. (Somesha )
  • Sports and Art for social change
  • Girls empowerment programme
  • Environment conservation programme



This program aims at improving livelihoods of those living in Kibera by helping them establish self employed businesses which will guarantee steady income for them for self-reliance.

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We understand that access to education contributes to poverty reduction. Acquired basic reading and writing skills have a documented effect on marginalized communities’ incomes increasing the rate of return on the economy.

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Our mentorship program targets girls aged between 12 and 18 years. They are taken through sessions on sexual reproductive health, Gender based violence and FGM Awareness.

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The program nurtures and develops the various talents within the youth living in Kibera. With the help of volunteers,we provide training and coaching in painting murals, spoken word, acrobatics,

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This project is aimed at creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for human life in the slum. In order to achieve these objectives, Kibera Hamlets has set up the following projects

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'Adopt me help my education'

To keep the children in school so that they can gain the necessary education. Most of our children live in streets like situations fraught with violence, illicit drugs. Keeping them in school is the best bet to keep them away from danger.

‘Feed me a simple lunch’

To keep all the children in school during the school days. And to relieve the families the burden of providing unavailable lunch to their children. By keeping the children in school, Kibera hamlets protects the children from the social vagaries of the community and ensure that all the pupils are equal by serving them simple, adequate and nutritional lunch.

'Make me Great Again'

To improve the general infrastructure of Hamlets center so as to meet the ministry of education requirements and to be in line with the current government decree on the improvement of all building housing learners in all informal settlements in Kenya.

'Rescue a sister''

This peer education and training programme, targets teenage girls. This programme enables them to learn about and discuss urgent and critical issues affecting their daily lives, including early marriage, teenage pregnancy, abortion, HIV/ AIDS, poverty and gender based violence.

‘Inua Pato'

This project aims at improving livelihoods of those living in Kibera by helping them establish self employed businesses which will guarantee steady income for them for self-reliance. Inua pato supports community members to form business and investment clubs where members enrol, get entrepreneurship trainings, transform business ideas to business plans, get business funding, and grow their businesses by saving and reinvesting.

'Help me explore my talent'

This project strives to identify and nurture the various talents within the youth in Kibera. The project provides, sporting gear and training venues for talent development.Volunteers provide training in spoken word, acrobatics, football, theatre, music, dance and art. This project's goal is to improve and nurture talent among youth living in difficult situations in Kibera.

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